Our Kindergarten & Preschool Program

At our centres, we offer an active and exciting kindergarten or preschool program with passionate Early Childhood Teachers, the convenience of meals and extended hours to fit in with your busy days. You may also be eligible for up to 36 hours of funding with your Child Care Subsidy!

By offering verbal interactions, encouragement, additional ideas, resources and thoughtful reflections, our educators guide children to develop and extend on their existing skills and knowledge. Developing a positive view of themselves as learners is essential for children to be inspired, motivated and progressive in their learning, benefitting them both in early education and all their future years.

Kindy Child & Day Care - Early Learning & Childhood Teachers

Why is kindergarten & preschool so important?

Popular belief is that school readiness is defined by a child’s ability to count, write and know their ABC – when in fact, preparation for school should focus on a child’s social and emotional development, self-regulation and learning dispositions.

It is recommended a child attends at least 20 hours per week in an early learning centre to get the maximum positive outcomes with each child’s individual learning and development.

That’s where we come in. Let us support your child to develop a positive view of themselves as learners as they engage with their friends in our purposefully designed learning environments.

Why our families love our kinder offering

Hear from real families from our centres on why they love our kinder programs, our centres and our educators!

Hear from real families from our centres on why they love our centres, team members and offering!

Read more by downloading our free kindergarten and preschool eBook below!

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We adapt our curriculum to accommodate each individual child’s learning and development to contribute to their enthusiasm, motivation, and ability to learn. We are committed to supporting your child to gain the necessary skills and dispositions needed for a successful transition into school.

By offering verbal interactions, encouragement, additional ideas, resources and thoughtful reflections, our educators guide children to develop and extend on their existing skills and knowledge. Developing a positive view of themselves as learners is essential for children to be inspired, motivated and progressive in their learning, benefitting them both in early education and all their future years.

Our kindergarten or preschool program continues to provide opportunities for children to develop their literacy and numeracy skills through play-based experiences.

Literacy skills

The literacy rich environment supports children in developing a range of literacy concepts through books, writing, drawing, storytelling, games and a diverse range of planned experiences. Because oral language is the basis for all literacy learning, children are supported to communicate with each other, with new vocabulary introduced as part of everyday conversations, with teachers modeling correct grammar and sentence structures.

Numeracy skills

Opportunities to learn mathematical concepts are embedded within the program through hands-on play and learning. Number concepts are explored with a variety of concrete materials for children to manipulate, sort, count, classify and measure. Guided by our early childhood teachers, children are able to explore their environment and engage in planned experiences to build their knowledge and understanding. As children transition to formal schooling, the skills and dispositions they develop in the early years contribute to becoming successful lifelong learners.

The transition to school from an early childhood education and care centre (childcare) to a new environment with new relationships, new routines, new expectations and new experiences can be an exciting, yet daunting time for children and families. There are significant changes in practices including routines, group sizes, the ways children are taught and curriculum content. With thoughtful planning a smooth and successful transition is achievable.

A positive start to school life relies on a collaborative approach between parents, early childhood teachers, primary teachers, children and in some circumstances, health professionals. Open communication involving all members ensures the educational and holistic needs of children are met. Exchanging information through both formal and informal channels allows the school to gain a greater understanding of children’s strengths, needs and interests. Reciprocal relationships based on trust and respect need to be built to ensure families are well informed of the processes, requirements and expectations of the school.

Attending our high-quality, government-approved kindergarten or preschool program will provide opportunities for your child to:

  • grow in confidence, developing a positive view of themselves as a learner
  • use language effectively to communicate ideas, feelings and needs
  • gain experience in a group learning environment alongside their peers
  • make friends and engage in group activities where they cooperate with their friends
  • learn to look after their belongings
  • develop resilience and self-regulation through engaging in activities that challenge them
  • confidently communicate with adults outside of their family
  • develop literacy skills, creatively expressing ideas and feelings through art, music, story-telling and dramatic play
  • develop scientific and numeracy skills as they identify, explore, examine and questions to solve problems.

Endless opportunities for children to practice playing cooperatively, communicating effectively, persisting with tasks and interacting respectfully with others assist in creating a positive learning environment.

Secure your place at one of our centres today!

Now is the perfect time to Enrol your child in one of our kindergarten or preschool programs, or if they are already enrolled, confirm your child’s days with your Centre Manager

Feel confident about securing your child’s place with the options available from the child care subsidy.

We look forward to empowering your child as they take the leap into the next stage of their learning!